Building An Adaptive Card

Your first adaptive card

To create AdaptiveCard you need to use microsoft platform: Adaptive Card Designer

All Cards are built in the JSON scheme in which you can edit specified elements straight in the code, but the Microsoft platform allows you to use the drag and drop method together with configuration menu.

Adaptive Cards Designer interface

Adaptive Cards builder can be split into 6 parts but for tekos uses only 5 of them

  1. Left side menu with Card Elements. Here you can find all elements of which the adaptive card can be built with. Like TextBlock, Images, All kinds of Inputs and other elements.

  2. Card structure Defines the drag and drop structure of your card

  3. Element Properties Whenever you pick an element from the Working area or Card structure you will get additional information about the selected element. Like the Id, Text, Styling, Layout and action types but will discuss them more in the future.

  4. Card Payload Editor This is the code representation of the card structure and this is the part needed for the tekos flow to get cards working in the chat.

  5. Sample Data Editor (we don’t use that one in the tekos flow)

Content of your first Adaptive Card

You might be already familiar with card it's showing the Amazon stock at exact day So we will use it as an example

Here you can see the card code in the CARD PAYLOAD EDITOR:

                  "text":", Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN)",
                  "text":"September 19, 4:00 PM EST",
                              "text":"▼ 0.20 (0.32%)",

As you can see it’s a JSON code representation of the Card Structure.

We can specify the Containers, Columns, TextBlock, FactSet etc. Each of them contain different properties like value, title, width, color, spacing etc. all

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